

Presidential elections : Algerian President pledges support for the Polisario

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Wednesday, incumbent President Abdelmadjid Tebboune's election campaign made a stopover in the southern wilaya of Djanet. Given the region's proximity to Algeria's neighbors, Tebboune addressed this topic in his speech delivered to a closed room.

He reaffirmed his country's unwavering support for the Polisario Front in the Security Council. Notably, Algiers will assume the rotating presidency of the UN's executive body next December. This support was reiterated on August 26 in Oran as part of the same election campaign. «We will not abandon Western Sahara and the Saharawi Republic», he promised. «The Saharawi state will be a reality».

In Djanet, Tebboune also reaffirmed his government's commitment to «maintaining strong relations with our sister states of Niger, Libya, and Mali». He expressed his readiness «to defend Niger against any external aggression».

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