
Wide Angle

Diaspo #353 : Hamadi Wolf, Moroccan ultra-marathoner pushing boundaries

Since childhood, Hamadi Wolf, as he is known by his community of runners of all ages, has had a deep passion for sports. Holding a degree in mechanical engineering, he initially pursued a career in his field, but he has since fully committed to his true calling. After completing his first solo ultra-marathon on foot from Tangier to Agadir (920 km), he is now eagerly anticipating new challenges ahead.

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Born in Val-d'Oise, France, to a family from Khemisset, Hamadi Wolf is the president and founder of the association «La Meute», through which he organizes «Les 24h du Loup», a series of runs and walks designed for participants of all athletic levels. Over the years, his passion for physical activity has inspired many, encouraging individuals of all ages to come together, share collective and personal experiences, and challenge themselves at their own pace.

Coming from a family with an older sister in the French army, a younger brother who is also active in sports, and a younger sister still in school, Hamadi was drawn to running from an early age. After graduating highschool, he pursued a math-focused course to enter an engineering school in Compiègne, Oise. Upon graduating as a mechanical engineer, he worked as a production manager for nearly three years.

Since 2011, Hamadi has also volunteered as a firefighter, having trained at the young firefighters’ school in 2003. Sports have always been central to his life. «Even as a child, I was very active, primarily running, and later strengthening my muscles with HIIT training. I’ve always been attracted to sports», recalls Hamadi, who was once an avid fan of Les Aventures de Loup.

A passion for racing: Personal challenge meets collective spirit

After leaving his nine-to-five job, Hamadi devoted more time to his passion for running, embracing large-scale challenges where he walked hundreds of kilometers, constantly striving to surpass his limits.

«Leaving my corporate job was a personal choice. The world of sports and pushing myself to new heights has always been part of me. As an employee, I didn't have enough time to engage in challenges regularly. But once I shifted careers, I had more freedom. The more you get involved in sports challenges, the more you crave them. Appetite comes with eating!»

For Hamadi, racing is an individual endeavor, as each person pushes their own limits. However, he also believes in the collective nature of racing, emphasizing that «even in a race, you're moving in a pack, running together toward a common goal». Helping others push themselves beyond their limits is one of the aspects of running that Hamadi enjoys the most. He explains «that’s why I love running with others, supporting them in their personal challenges all year long. That's what sports are about: sharing».

Hamadi emphasizes that sports are often associated with a healthy body and mind, but they also offer profound mental benefits. «It's a well-being that lasts before, during, and after the effort itself, and we don't talk about it enough», he adds.

Many who follow Hamadi’s runs are more interested in personal growth than physical performance. «We focus on the mental aspect together, and my training comes from the various challenges I've taken on», he explains. This approach forms the basis of his association, «La Meute», which leads group outings like «Les 24h du Loup».

Expanding the pack: Aiming for national group events

Inspired by David Goggins, a US Army veteran known for his remarkable athletic feats in running and marathons, Hamadi Wolf was drawn to Goggins' challenge: 4 miles every four hours for 48 hours. «At first, I wanted to give it a shot, but I only had 24 hours to spare. Being in France, I measure in kilometers, so I set myself the challenge of running 4 kilometers every 4 hours for 24 hours», he recalls.

With a growing Instagram community, Hamadi invites his followers to join him on his runs. «I noticed the participatory aspect of the race—many people were joining in, I received great feedback, and I decided to organize it as an event so others could experience what I feel during my challenges», he explains. Since early 2022, this ongoing initiative has gained significant traction. «It’s not a competition; people can join in and run as many loops as they like, with a maximum of 24», he emphasizes.

Beyond group races, Hamadi takes on one personal challenge each year, maintaining the same spirit. His latest feat was walking from Tangier to Agadir (920 km), marking his first major individual challenge. «I was met with an overwhelmingly positive response, particularly from Moroccans all over the world and even from locals», he shares.

Previously, Hamadi cycled from Paris to Tetouan via Spain in 2022, and last year, he crossed France from Paris to Marseille on foot (787 km in 12 days). This October, he is organizing another «24h du Loup» collective event. «In June 2024, the last edition gathering 320 participants, including a Moroccan runner who came all the way from Casablanca», he notes.

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