

PJD condemns Morocco Justice Minister's appearance on TV show

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The General Secretariat of the PJD has denounced the appearance of Justice Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi on 2M's «Invité spécial» program. In a statement, the Islamist party criticized the September 2 interview, claiming it was used to «directly attack the party and its Secretary General, while promoting a series of errors and arguments that partly contradict the core principles of the State and society».

The PJD also expressed frustration with the «unprofessional» and «biased» handling of national issues by other official media outlets. They argued that these outlets failed to address pressing matters concerning the country and its citizens, in violation of constitutional principles, respect for political pluralism, and the right of reply.

At the end of August, the Islamist party called for the dismissal of the Justice Minister, accusing him of «mocking a hadith of the Prophet» in a press statement regarding «the presence of Satan at a meeting between a man and a woman».

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