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Morocco achieves top tier in Global Cybersecurity Index 2024

Morocco has been classified in the top tier of the 2024 Global Cybersecurity Index, indicating strong national cybersecurity measures, according to the International Telecommunication Union(ITU) report.

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Morocco has been recognized as a top performer in cybersecurity efforts according to the latest Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) released by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The 2024 edition of the index places Morocco in Tier 1, the highest category, indicating a strong national commitment to cybersecurity measures.

The GCI evaluates countries across five key pillars: legal, technical, organizational, capacity development, and cooperation. Morocco's scores in these pillars are: Legal Measures (20/20), Technical Measures (18.12/20), Organizational Measures (20/20), Capacity Development Measures (19.38/20), and Cooperation Measures (20/20), totaling 97.5 out of 100 points.

Countries in Tier 1 are described as «role-modelling» with scores of 95-100 out of 100, demonstrating «a strong cybersecurity commitment to coordinated and government-driven actions that encompass evaluating, establishing and implementing certain generally accepted cybersecurity measures across all five pillars or up to all indicators», according to the ITU report.

While specific scores for individual countries are not provided in the publicly released data, Morocco's placement in Tier 1 puts it among the top performers globally. The report indicates that 46 countries achieved Tier 1 status in this edition, up from an estimated 30 countries that would have qualified in the previous 2021 index. Other countries joining Morocco in this top tier include Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Estonia, Singapore, United Kingdom, and the United States, among others.

Cybersecurity commitments

The ITU notes that countries in Tier 1 have implemented comprehensive measures across various domains of cybersecurity. This typically includes having robust legal frameworks, technical capabilities like national computer incident response teams (CIRTs), organizational structures such as national cybersecurity strategies, capacity development initiatives, and active participation in international cooperation efforts.

Morocco's strong performance comes amid a global increase in cybersecurity commitments. The ITU reports that the global average country score has risen to 65.7 out of 100, representing a 27% increase since 2020.

While the report does not provide country-specific details for Morocco, it highlights several key areas where top-performing nations have made significant progress. These include implementing data protection and privacy regulations, establishing national CIRTs, developing comprehensive national cybersecurity strategies, conducting awareness campaigns, and participating in international cybersecurity agreements.

The GCI serves as an important benchmark for countries to assess their cybersecurity posture and identify areas for improvement. As the report states, «The GCI sits at the nexus of cybersecurity metrics, by assessing the measures taken by countries at the national level to improve their cybersecurity commitments».

Morocco's inclusion in the highest tier suggests that the country has made substantial investments and policy commitments to enhance its cybersecurity capabilities. However, the ITU emphasizes that even for top-performing countries, «there is always room for growth, refinement and adaptation regardless of a country's GCI score».

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