

Polisario seeks MINURSO protection for return to «liberated areas»

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The Polisario is requesting MINURSO to ensure the return of its members to «its liberated territories», located east of the Sand Wall. The request was made by «Saharawi civilians» in a letter addressed to the UN mission, reports a Front media outlet.

The authors of the letter claim that «Saharawis who enter these areas do so in search of pasture for their camels and sheep». They point out that «the presence of Saharawi civilians in these territories is a legitimate right under international law and Security Council resolutions». They «hold MINURSO responsible» for any possible attack by the Royal Armed Forces (FAR), the same source said.

Since the Front's decision to take up arms against Morocco, 4,700 Saharawis have left the area east of the Sand Wall, according to figures from the Saharawi Red Crescent (SRC).

Before the FAR liberated traffic in El Guerguerate on November 13, 2020, the Polisario used to mobilize «Saharawi civilians» to block traffic in the passage between Morocco and Mauritania.

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