

Melilla mayor : «Morocco can curb migrant influx if willing»

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According to Juan José Imbroda, the Spanish mayor of Melilla, Moroccan authorities have shown their «ability to prevent the mass entry of migrants when they have the will to do so».

In an interview with Radio Canal Sur, the People’s Party member made these comments in response to recent arrests on the Moroccan side aimed at thwarting attempts to enter Ceuta and Melilla.

«If Morocco has the will, it can act, as demonstrated in recent days in Ceuta and Melilla», argued Imbroda, who also advocated for maintaining «stable relations» between Madrid and Rabat. «In Spain, we always hope to maintain excellent friendly relations with Morocco, but this should be reciprocated by Morocco as well», he emphasized.

«Morocco must fulfill its obligations, and if it is its duty to stop illegal immigration, it must do so», Imbroda insisted.

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