

Polisario bans Sahrawi traders from leaving Tindouf camps

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Dozens of Sahrawi traders and their trucks staged a sit-in in front of the Polisario headquarters in the Rabouni camp on Wednesday, September 18.

They were protesting against the separatist movement's refusal to issue them with permits to leave the camps for Algeria or Mauritania. In statements posted on social media and viewed by Yabiladi, the protesters denounced the «monopoly» held by certain parties in trade with Algiers and Nouakchott.

These restrictions on the free movement of traders «are a gift to the agents of the Moroccan occupation», said Said Zarwal in a message addressed to Polisario. «They feed Morocco's tendentious propaganda, which describes Saharawi refugees as sequestered».

«We therefore call on the Polisario leadership to revoke the licenses between the Saharawi refugee camps and Mauritanian territory and allow Saharawi refugees to move freely. And whoever wants to impose licenses must do so on their own territory and not on Algerian territory», asserted this radical Polisario member who lives in Sweden.

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