

Morocco blames «unknown parties» for Ceuta mass migration

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Prime Minister Akhannouch expressed concern over the recent migration of hundreds of young Moroccans to Ceuta.

«The issue of migration is a global phenomenon, and we have seen similar occurrences in many countries», said Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesman Mustapha Baïtas on Thursday, September 19, in response to media questions.

«Unfortunately, some young people have been encouraged by unknown individuals to leave the country, using social media to mobilize them», he explained. «To address this, authorities have arrested and charged 152 individuals involved in incitement to illegal immigration, and all such attempts have been thwarted. It is estimated that approximately 3,000 individuals have tried to reach Ceuta».

Minister Baïtas praised the «wisdom» and «great professionalism» of the police force's actions, noting that they operated in full compliance with legal provisions and that there were no fatalities among law enforcement personnel.

Regarding the images of young people, half-naked, arrested by public forces, Baïtas stated that the relevant authorities are investigating the matter. The King's Public Prosecutor at the Tétouan Court of Appeal has ordered a judicial inquiry to determine the authenticity of these images and the circumstances surrounding their dissemination.

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