

Polisario appeals for «urgent aid» after Tindouf camp floods

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The Tindouf camps have experienced heavy rainfall over the past 48 hours. Losses were recorded, particularly in the makeshift dwellings of destitute Sahrawis living in the «Dakhla camp», located on Algerian territory, approximately 200 km from the Front's administrative headquarters in Rabouni.

Immediately following the floods, the Polisario requested urgent aid. «The Sahrawi Red Crescent is launching an urgent appeal to donors, UN agencies, and international NGOs for immediate support in response to the serious emergency caused by the floods that have devastated the Dakhla refugee camp», reports the Front’s news agency SPS.

In an alarmist tone, the Polisario asserts that «the situation could deteriorate rapidly without swift intervention and coordination by international partners», Oubi Bachir, who claims to be the Front's representative in Switzerland, echoed this concern in a post about the «grave situation in the Dakhla camp».

Two weeks ago, in a non-binding bill, Spanish deputies from the opposition People’s Party called on the Sanchez government to allocate an «extraordinary fund to assist Sahrawi refugees in addressing the food emergency they are facing in the Tindouf camps in Algeria».

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