
Wide Angle

Moroccan groups support Lebanon, urge end to Israel normalization

The Progress and Socialist Party (PPS) and other Moroccan groups condemned Israeli aggression against Lebanon and Palestine, criticizing international inaction and Arab silence. They called for Arab unity, the end of normalization with Israel, and solidarity with Lebanon and Gaza against ongoing violence and occupation.

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Morocco’s Party of Progress and Socialism (PPS), in a statement issued by its Political Bureau, strongly condemned the «brutal Zionist aggression against Lebanon», citing the hundreds of victims, thousands of wounded, and widespread destructions.

PPS described this as a «grave violation of Lebanon's sovereignty and a blatant attack on the lives and security of the Lebanese people», following the bombing of communication infrastructure used by the resistance and various interests in southern Lebanon, which resulted in numerous casualties.

The party further stated that the «Zionist entity's persistence in expanding its aggression into Lebanese territory, alongside its genocide in Palestine, demonstrates its criminal intent to drag the entire region into conflict». They also denounced «the condemnable complicity or inaction of Western powers, particularly the United States, and the unacceptable silence from Arab nations».

In response to this escalation in southern Lebanon, the PPS emphasized the «criminal nature of the Zionist entity, which has oppressed the Palestinian people in the occupied territories, especially Gaza, for nearly a year». The party criticized any attempts at normalization with this «rogue entity» that refuses to adhere to international law or peace efforts in the region.

The PPS urged Arab states to take «a united, decisive initiative to mobilize the international community against the Zionist entity’s reckless pursuit of war, killing, and destruction across the region».

Moroccan Islamic groups support Lebanon

Similarly, Moroccan Islamist association Al-Adl wal-Ihsan voiced its «strong condemnation» of Israeli attacks on Lebanon, which it claims are carried out «with the approval of the US administration, amidst international silence and the failure of Arab and Islamic institutions such as the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to act».

The group condemned the «murderous and destructive attacks by the usurping entity against Lebanon and its resistance, due to its support for Gaza and its people during the Zionists' campaign of annihilation that has been ongoing since October 8, 2023».

It called on the Arab and Islamic world, particularly its people, movements, and intellectual elites, as well as all freedom-loving people worldwide, to «stand in solidarity with Lebanon and to renew, strengthen, and continue their support for Gaza until Israeli aggression is defeated across the Arab region».

The Islamic Unification and Reform Movement (URM) also condemned «the holocaust being perpetrated by the Zionist Nazi occupation against civilians in Palestine and Lebanon», and criticized the «direct American support for the Zionist entity in its war of terror against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples».

In its statement, the movement expressed dismay at the «weak responses from Arab and Islamic countries to the bloodshed of children, women, and civilians in the ongoing aggression against Lebanon and Palestine».

The movement also expressed pride in «the Lebanese resistance, which since October 7, 2023, has stood in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their courageous resistance in the Al-Aqsa Flood battle». It reiterated its commitment to supporting both the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance in their «honorable fight against the Zionist occupation, the enemy of the Arab and Islamic nations».

Furthermore, it called on Moroccan officials to «cancel all agreements with the occupying force, close the office of shame in Rabat, and officially declare the end of normalization with Israel».

On Tuesday, a rally was held in front of the parliament in Rabat, organized by the Moroccan Front to Support Palestine and Oppose Normalization. Participants expressed solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon, which are under Israeli bombardment, burning the Israeli flag and chanting slogans in support of the resistance in both Lebanon and Palestine, while condemning normalization with Israel.

Amid the ongoing attacks on the Palestinian people, Israel has also been conducting violent raids on various parts of Lebanon since Monday, resulting in more than 560 deaths.

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