

Polisario delegation attends UK Labour Party conference

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The Labour Party, which has been in power in the UK since the July 4 general election, held its annual conference in Liverpool from September 22 to 25. The Polisario sent a delegation, led by its representative in London, to attend the opening session of the meeting and attempt to mobilize Labour Party members, especially MPs, in support of its positions.

Polisario media emphasized that «the Polisario Front has maintained brotherly and friendly relations with the British Labour Party since the 1980s. The presence of the Polisario delegation is a clear reaffirmation of the party's firm position, based on respect for the Saharawi people's inalienable right to self-determination, the only path to any solution to the Western Sahara conflict».

However, the ruling Labour Party has distanced itself from the political line of its former leader, Jeremy Corbyn, who was expelled from the party in 2020. Even before becoming Prime Minister, Keir Starmer had separated himself from the Polisario Front.

In fact, the official document presented to Labour at the March conference, when the party was in opposition, made no mention of the Sahara issue. On the other hand, the text mentioned the situation in Gaza six times.

Following its victory in the July elections, the Labour government asserted, in response to a written question from a British MP, that «commercial activities in Western Sahara are not illegal».

Morocco's ambassador to the UK also participated in the Labour Party conference. «Wrapping up a productive time at the Labour Party Conference with fellow Arab Ambassadors. Important discussions on the region and laying the groundwork for Labour friends of Morocco», said the Kingdom's representation in London.

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