

Health unions in Morocco condemn repression of medical students

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The National Health Workers' Coordination, a health union alliance, has condemned the use of force, arrests, and repression against medical students protesting reforms to their training in Rabat.

The medical students are protesting the government's decision to shorten their training by one year, in addition to other grievances such as poor conditions in both practical and theoretical training, overcrowded classrooms, the reform of the specialization course (third cycle), and low intern compensation.

In a statement that followed a meeting held Thursday with a Health Ministry delegation, the Coordination denounced the «security approach» adopted by the authorities to disrupt the medical students' sit-ins held in Rabat on Wednesday and Thursday.

The body said that it rejects the «violent approach», calls for the release of arrested medical students, and the adoption of dialogue and negotiation to resolve the crisis facing medical students.

The Moroccan Health Observatory also expressed solidarity with medical students. In a statement published Thursday, the body said that it stands with the medical students of Morocco, who play a crucial role in the development and future of our health system.

«We call on the government and the supervisory ministries to guarantee medical students the constitutional right to strike, to treat their demands with respect, and to preserve their dignity», the observatory added.

For the record, Moroccan medical students have been protesting the government's decision to shorten their training by one year. During sit-ins organized to denounce the reforms, they were violently dispersed by authorities, some of them were even arrested.

The students, supported by their families and medical professors, are calling for the reinstatement of suspended students, an apology from the government, and reform of medical education.

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