

Algerian YouTuber sentenced by Morocco court for encouraging migration to Ceuta

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The Court of First Instance in Tetouan sentenced an Algerian YouTuber on Wednesday, October 23, to eight months in prison and a 500-dirham fine for inciting irregular migration from Fnideq to Ceuta.

According to media sources, the woman was arrested by the Royal Gendarmerie in the company of two young Moroccan women. The arrest followed an interview she gave to a local media outlet in which she encouraged irregular migration, back in September when hundreds of young Moroccans flocked to the city in a social media-fueled mass migration attempt.

The Algerian YouTuber was charged with inciting irregular migration and spreading fake news. In fact, during the interview, she falsely claimed to be a Moroccan citizen from Oujda. She arrived near the Ceuta border on the night of September 14.

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