Following restrictions on movement and trade, Algeria has imposed new restrictions on Saharawis in the Tindouf camps. They are now barred from recharging their telephone cards, reports the Forum de soutien aux autonomistes de Tindouf (FORSATIN) on Thursday, December 26.
«This measure raises serious questions about Algeria's commitment to guaranteeing the fundamental rights of thousands of Saharawis living in difficult conditions on its territory», the same source stated.
The decision reflects that the Algerian authorities «have observed a shift in relations between the Saharawis and the Polisario regime on one hand, and a lack of respect for the Algerian regime on the other», the source explained.
A few months ago, members of the Front had urged the population of the Tindouf camps to exercise caution when communicating by telephone, warning that audio messages exchanged on social networks about their situation «serve» the Moroccan side. These warnings coincide with a surge in sharp criticism of the Polisario and Algeria’s management circulating on WhatsApp.