Shortly after visiting the Tindouf Camps, earlier in January, Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg has since adopted a pro-Polisario stance online.
The 22-year-old activist has made the Sahara conflict the top of her agenda, scheduling an online live Q&A today, January 17, to speak about «her fight for justice from Palestine to Western Sahara». This Q&A, expected at 8pm GMT, is organized by Zeteo, a media organization founded by American-British broadcaster and writer Mehdi Hasan.
During this Q&A, available exclusively for Zeteo's paid subscribers and hosted by Hasan, Greta will be talking about «her recent trip to refugee camps in Western Sahara», announced the platform on Friday.
Greta will also be answering questions from subscribers on the aforementioned questions during the Q&A which will be held on Zoom.
For the record, Greta visited the Tindouf CAMPS early in January, where she attended an «International Conference in Solidarity with the Sahrawi People at the Boujdour refugee camp», wrote Algerian media.
Greta has even spoken to the Algerian Press agency APS on the sidelines of said conference, expressing her «deep regret for the silence prevailing among many countries regarding the Sahrawi issue, as well as the Palestinian issue and the genocide faced by the Palestinian people».
Three days ago, she even took to Instagram accusing Morocco of «trying to use greenwashing and whitewashing to legitimize and distract from their occupation and human rights abuses in Western Sahara». She also posted photos from her visit to the Tindouf Camps, posing with the Separatist movement's head Brahim Ghali, with the caption : «the struggle for a liberated Western Sahara is everyone's struggle».
Born in Stockholm to famous parents, an actor and an Opera singer, Greta rose to fame in 2018 as the youngest climate activist after she addressed the UN Climate Change Conference (COP24).