

United States : Morocco welcomes Trump's inauguration

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Morocco's Ambassador to the United States, Youssef Amrani, participated in President Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony on Monday in Washington. In a statement, the Moroccan diplomat welcomed «the exceptional bilateral relationship», «the historical depth of alliances, and promising future prospects» between the two countries.

The Moroccan ambassador emphasized that «collaboration with the new American administration opens up highly potential opportunities to not only consolidate our historical alliance but also explore new prospects for strategic cooperation».

After Donald Trump's victory in the presidential elections, King Mohammed VI sent a congratulatory message on November 6. He emphasized that «the values we share and our common interests across a wide range of sectors have enabled us to work consistently together to build a better future for our peoples, making our relationship a driving force in the service of peace, security, and prosperity in the Middle East, Africa, and beyond».

The sovereign notably recalled that «during Mr. Trump's previous term, bilateral relations reached an unprecedented level when the United States of America recognized the Kingdom of Morocco's full and complete sovereignty over its entire Sahara».

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