

International market : OCP successfully raises $300 million in funds

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OCP S.A. has successfully completed an additional $300 million bond issue on the international market. This move follows the authorization granted by its Board of Directors on December 3, 2024, and aligns with the provisions of European Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, which allows for the issuance of additional bonds within 12 months of an initial offering, up to a limit of 30% of the original amount.

In an official statement, the group described this «Tap Issue» as being connected to the $2 billion international bond issue that was executed in May 2024. «The new bonds retain the same characteristics as the initial issue» and «are divided into two tranches», which «will be assimilated to the securities issued in May 2024», the statement revealed. These tranches consist of «$75 million maturing in 2034, with a coupon of 6.75%» and «$225 million maturing in 2054, with a coupon of 7.50%».

OCP further announced that the capital raised from this bond issue would be allocated «to finance its investment program and general needs».

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