Moroccan associations are protesting Friday in front of the Consulate for Northeast Italy in Verona against excessive bureaucratic hurdles in repatriating deceased nationals. The protest aims to address recent complications in returning bodies to Morocco for funeral ceremonies.
According to Il Gazzettino, two particularly problematic cases have emerged in recent months. In Trieste, despite confirmation from local police, the Consulate demanded DNA testing to identify a 24-year-old drowning victim, who was subsequently buried in a local Catholic cemetery. In Padova, consular officials rejected a relative's identification of a deceased person due to missing identity documents.
Mohamed Lhjiri, spokesperson for Moroccan associations in Triveneto, expressed strong concerns about the situation. While both cases have now been resolved, the community argues that the Consulate, rather than facilitating processes, has become a source of complications. The associations are demanding a review of current procedures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.