Will all head coverings be banned in French sports federations? This is the core of a bill currently under examination by the French Senate, starting this Tuesday, based on the principle of neutrality. While the bill addresses all religious symbols, the issue of wearing the veil is particularly prominent. Republican Senator Michel Savin, the author of the proposal from March 2024, seeks to clarify the «legal gray area» surrounding this practice, especially regarding the «wearing of the veil, which is not explicitly prohibited».
The bill will first be reviewed by the Commission of Culture, Communication, Education, and Sport. The rapporteur, Stéphane Piednoir, clarified that the ban would apply to «departmental, regional, and national competitions organized by the 120 approved federations», according to Le Figaro. The bill also addresses what it calls «diversions» of the principle of secularism, stating that «using part of a sports facility as a prayer room would constitute a diversion of its use».
Article 3 of the bill specifically addresses sports clothing, particularly items considered Muslim religious symbols, such as the «burkini» in public pools and beaches. It recommends banning these items due to «breach of public order and the proper functioning of a public service». According to Francetv Info, the government will support the bill «provided that the majority's amendments» are passed.
Bans: Increasingly contested but more common
So far, federations have had the discretion to ban what they consider religious symbols in certain competitions. The French Football Federation (FFF) and the French Rugby Federation are among those that have already implemented these bans. If the bill is passed, athletics and handball will also be impacted.
Officially, French institutions have already paved the way, guiding practices for over a year. After a long legal battle, the Council of State ruled on June 29, 2023, validating the FFF's decision to «ban any sign or attire manifesting an ostensible affiliation to a political, philosophical, religious, or trade union during sports competitions», in line with article 1 of the body's regulations, which has integrated the principle of neutrality since 2016.
In contrast to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which does not ban head coverings during competitions, France has decided that its athletes will not wear the veil at the 2024 Paris Olympics, citing secularism. Over time, no less than eight sports and human rights organizations have opposed this measure, which has not been applied to athletes from other countries.
The French government has faced criticism from experts appointed by UN bodies, who argue that the decisions against wearing the veil in sports have been unjustified. According to them, the French state «has taken no measures to ensure that the bans adopted by sports federations are proportionate and based on grounds recognized in international law to justify a limitation of human rights».
With the ongoing examination of this bill, the debate over the issue of the veil in sports competitions is far from settled.