

Canada : A Moroccan arrested for threatening Alexandre Bissonnette and his family

Mohamed-Amine Ben Faras, a 33 year old Moroccan arrested after uttering dead threats against Alexandre Bissionnette./ Ph. LE SOLEIL
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Mohamed-Amine Ben Faras, 33, was arrested Saturday 15th of April in Quebec City for uttering death threats against the alleged gunman. The man, who is originally from Morocco, is accused of menacing Alexandre Bissonnette and members of his family, Le Journal de Quebec reports.

The detained man is the nephew of one of the victims of January’s deadly mosque shooting that took place in Quebec. The victim’s family however did not recognize Ben Faras and mentioned being highly troubled by his deeds.

Born in Morocco, Ben Faras studied in Germany and his last known address was in Italy where he got married and later divorced. According to the same source, the suspect arrived Wednesday to Quebec on a flight that originated from London, UK. 

On a Monday’s hearing, the judge decided to keep Ben Faras in custody until another bail hearing scheduled for Thursday. The suspect was arrested after being heard by a witness uttering threats. He is now held at Orsainville prison where Bissionnette is also jailed. 

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