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Florida : A man sentenced to 15 years in prison after vandalizing a mosque

A man who vandalized a mosque in Florida was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Tuesday. In a surveillance video, the Tutusville native smashed the windows and lights of the place of worship and left fresh bacon by its door. Details.

Masjid al-mumin mosque in Titusville, Florida, United States of America./Ph. DR
Estimated read time: 2'

A man was sentenced to 15 years in prison after vandalizing a mosque in Titusville, a city in Florida, United States. Identified as a 37-year-old local named Michael Wolfe, he was convicted on criminal mischief to a place of worship on Tuesday, 5th of December, reports Reuters news agency.

The surveillance videos of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, Masjid Al-Muminin Mosque in the same city show Wolfe smashing the windows, the cameras and lights with a machete. He threw fresh bacon by the door of the mosque when leaving the scene in January 2016 after the New Year's Day.

According to Florida Today, a local online newspaper, the prosecutors indicated that the city’s police and the Islamic Society of Central Florida have reached an agreement regarding the defendant.

«He entered a plea and plead guilty to vandalizing the mosque itself with hate crime enhancement making it a felony», a spokesman for the State Attorney’s Office Todd Brown told the same source.

Having a criminal record

Now Wolfe, will have to «serve 15 years in state prison, followed by 15 years probation», as pointed out by Florida Today. However, it is not the first time to spend a night in prison for Wolfe who did not have a clean record at all.

In fact, the 37-year-old is known in the region as a «habitual offender». Starting from 1998, the man has been involved in several run-ins with the law in the city. Based on Bervard County records, Wolfe was convicted in the past for grand thefting, burglary of a conveyance, and probation. He also served prison for the abovementioned felonies.

Moreover, Wolfe was found guilty for «DUI offenses, possession of hydrocodone and cannabis, and an array of traffic violations», said the same source.

Hate crimes and Islamophobia

Replying to Wolfe’s deeds, Imam Muhammad Mursi who heads a network of mosques in Central Florida told Florida Today that «the intent is to really deter similar kinds of hate crime. After what we've seen in Texas at the church, this is needed. Our schools, our churches, our theaters, it's a red line. It's heartbreaking. The hate must stop».

Meanwhile, the Florida Council on American –Islamic Relations (CAIR) spokesman, Wilfredo Ruiz said in a statement issued on Wednesday and reported by Reuters that : «The Florida Muslim Community is suffering an unprecedented number of hate crimes».

«Multiple mosques and Islamic institutions have been broken into, vandalized, and even set on fire.»

Hate crimes in the U.S have seen a rise lately as indicated by one of the reports compiled by the same ONG. In a report released by CAIR and entitled «The Empowerment of Hate», it is reported that «in 2016, CAIR recorded a 57 % increase in anti-Muslim bias incidents over 2015. This was accompanied by a 44 % increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes in the same period». The same survey this year indicates that «from 2014 to 2016, anti-Muslim bias incidents jumped 65 %», adding that «two-year period, CAIR finds that hate crimes targeting Muslims surged 584 %».

Date : le 11 décembre 2017 à 14h44
Tant que ces pays n'instaure pas de loi pour le respect des lieux de culte,il n'aurait pas d'èloge pour chanter avec le guitare de la dèmocratie. Chez nous au Maroc, jamais de jamais on a touchè un lieu de culte, quel qu'il soit: Synagogue Eglise dans toutes nos villes ces temples sont èrigès sans la moindre sensibilitè, meme dans les contrèes, je cite l'Eglise à Sidi boubeker par Oujda et celle de la "Mine" de Bouarfa ,celles que je connaisse.