
Wide Angle

Tens of thousands rally in Rabat to denounce sentences handed down to Hirak detainees

Tens of thousands of people have taken the streets, Sunday, in Rabat to denounce sentences handed down to Hirak detainees. Several political groups and NGOs participated to today's march, including members of Islamic association Al Adl Wal Ihsan.

Moroccans rallying in Rabat to release Hirak detainees./Ph. Yabiladi- Mustapha fahmi
Moroccans rallying in Rabat to release Hirak detainees./Ph. Yabiladi- Mustapha fahmi

Tens of thousands of Moroccans have marched today, 15th of July, in Rabat in a national rally, organized to call for the release of Hirak detainees and support their families and convicted figures.

Unlike the rally that took place last Sunday in Casablanca, today's mass meeting in the capital was attended by members of Islamic association Al Adl Wal Ihssan, the Democratic Left Federation (FGD), the Democratic Way and several human rights and Amazigh associations.

Prevented from rallying

Demonstrators in Rabat raised slogans, condemning the heavy sentences pronounced against Hirak detainees and chanted «freedom, dignity and social justice», calling for the immediate release of all Rif prisoners.

Shortly before the start of the march, the organizing committee issued a communiqué stating that authorities have «prevented citizens, coming from different regions to participate to the rally, from entering Rabat».

«Many buses, cars and trains have been denied access to the city», Secretary-General of Al Adl Wal Ihsan Mohamed Ebadi told Yabiladi on Sunday.

Al Adl Wal Ihsan and FGD

«We are participating to this march to support the detainees, because Morocco has become a big prison where citizens can't have the right to freedom of opinion and expression. The people must hit the streets to demand their dignity, freedom and social justice», Ebadi told Yabiladi.

Meanwhile, Abdeslam El Aziz, Secretary-General of the National Congress Party, indicated that «the government must answer the demands of protesters and bring economic, human rights and social solutions to Moroccans' issues».

Rallying next to other parties, El Aziz pointed out that his party «did not coordinate with Al Adl Wal Ihsan». «We were invited by Hirak detainees' families and the Democratic Left Federation».

«This march comes to denounce the unjust sentences issued recently against Hirak detainees, demand their immediate release and meet their legitimate demands and also to say enough of repression, restriction, trials and arrests», said Abdellah Al Harif a member of the Democratic Way Party.

Amazighs and human rights activists

Several Amazigh and human rights activists rallied today in Rabat for the same purpose. Speaking to Yabiladi, Amazigh activist Ahmad Dgharni stated that «the march is a popular referendum to call for freedom ... We are here to say that nothing is dividing us and that we can come together for the sake of our people».

«We are here today for the prisoners, the detained journalists and for freedom», human rights activit Maati Monjib told Yabiladi.

Human rights activist Abdelhamid Amin said in a similar statement that this march is «organized to fight for the release all the Hirak and political detainees ... We are here to spread the same message we had during the February 20th movement, when Moroccans took the streets regardless of their political orientations».

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