Morocco’s head of government is expected to speak, Wednesday, at the parliament’s Lower House during a monthly session. Saadeddine El Othmani will be addressing the government’s post-lockdown strategy.
The session will start at 3 pm, reads a press release posted by the El Othmani on his Twitter account.
سأحل غدا الأربعاء 10 يونيو إن شاء الله بمجلس النواب في إطار جلسة عمومية تخصص للأسئلة الشهرية الموجهة إلى رئيس الحكومة حول السياسة العامة، والتي ستكون حول موضوع تطور الحجر الصحي ما بعد 10 يونيو وتأثيرات الجائحة #المغرب #سعدالدين_العثماني
— سعد الدين العثماني EL OTMANI Saad dine (@Elotmanisaad) June 9, 2020
«I will speak tomorrow Wednesday June 10 at the House of Representatives as part of a public meeting (...) which will focus on the post-containment period and the effects of the pandemic on Morocco», he wrote.
Said meeting is to take place one day after an exceptional government council, scheduled for Tuesday, to announce the end or extension of the state of health emergency and the lockdown.