78.1 . Whereof do they question one another?
78.2 . ( It is ) of the awful tidings ,
78.3 . Concerning which they are in disagreement .
78.4 . Nay , but they will come to know!
78.5 . Nay , again , but they will come to know!
78.6 . Have We not made the earth an expanse ,
78.7 . And the high hills bulwarks?
78.8 . And We have created you in pairs ,
78.9 . And have appointed your sleep for repose ,
78.10 . And have appointed the night as a cloak ,
78.11 . And have appointed the day for livelihood .
78.12 . And We have built above you seven strong ( heavens ) ,
78.13 . And have appointed a dazzling lamp ,
78.14 . And have sent down from the rainy clouds abundant Water ,
78.15 . Thereby to produce grain and plant ,
78.16 . And gardens of thick foliage .
78.17 . Lo! the Day of Decision is a fixed time ,
78.18 . A day when the trumpet is blown , and ye come in multitudes ,
78.19 . And the heaven is opened and becometh as gates ,
78.20 . And the hills are set in motion and become as a mirage .
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