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Heathrow Terrorism Attack is a big Lie!
16 August 2006 15:11
Kouider, why do you jump to conclusions without even knowing what we are talking about? I find it funny that your signature mentions "tamazight" and two countries "morocco and algeria". why? simple... I have the right to think, and analyze, and decide for myself what is correct or what is not, I have the right to be suspicious (about you too). I asked a simple question about conspiracy, nobody has mentioned anything about rejoycing when people die! wake up man! this is the 21 century ... by the way... you just jumped out and mentioned arabs, muslims and jews, terrorists! what wrong with you boy?!!! you wanna create problems, you better keep them for yourself.
16 August 2006 15:39
Sure Chelhman... we may open a discussion on that. it will be interesting... another theory is the rigged elections by GWBush, in the year 2000.
16 August 2006 20:50
riffman....can u look up on google for an explanation of the meaning of being real and living in the 21 st Century for Kouider cos he obviously still lives in the 4th one ......cos with the way he is thinking we will be hold back forever ...please fo him a favour thanks grinning smileygrinning smileygrinning smileygrinning smiley
16 August 2006 21:19
sionists are just waisting their time and power .arabs and muslims have a strong religion which unify them forever.
16 August 2006 21:55


arabs and muslims have a strong religion which unify them forever.

Yeah ! It showed at the last islamic conference, the lebanese leader had probably been peeling onions, that's why he was crying.
16 August 2006 22:08
riffman....can u look up on google for an explanation of the meaning of being real and living in the 21 st Century for Kouider cos he obviously still lives in the 4th one ......cos with the way he is thinking we will be hold back forever ...please fo him a favour thanks grinning smileygrinning smileygrinning smileygrinning smiley

Religion is the only thing that we have in common ....united..I don`t think so...the zionist are doing a good job on that....they learnt from the Arabs that ...maybe it is time we learn from them
17 August 2006 02:12
lol chelhman, it wasn't an islamic conference. It was some sort of an Araba League conference. Who ever said that the Arab League is an Islamic organization?
17 August 2006 02:24
Jexingo, you're right, my bad. But "arab league", "islamic conference", "potaïtoe", "potatoe", it's the same useless organisations. Like I wrote earlier, we are all nation-states, and every nation is tending to its flock, there is no Umma anymore, it's just nostalgia. The sooner we digest that fact, the sooner we can start working on regional economical blocks.
17 August 2006 02:56
Chelhman, I agree with u that all those bunch of organizations are useless. I don't agree with u though that we are nation-states. The concept of a nation state is well rooted in the history of the western civilazation, it actually goes back to the 16th and 17th century. As arabs and muslims, we just cannot conprehend that concept though let alone put it in practice. The concept is simply alien to our culture that we cannot adopt it. All we have in the so called muslim countries today are a bunch of dictatorships. Nations thas don't have any economic independence, run as shops for the benefit of an elite. Let's not dwell on the issue for I beleive this will take forever.

As of working on regional economic blocks, man are u serious? Hello? Let me remind u of the situation here.
I'll try to be frief inshaAllah and I really don't wanna write a whole lot so I'll just brainstorm on the following line.

Country run as a personal shop. Hope u'll figure that out urself.
Western Sahara
Enemity with Algeria
Unsure relationship with Mauritania
No fair Judicial system
No human capital
No excessive natural resources
Social decadence
Poor economy
and the list goes on

Algeria has its own similar problems, so does Mauritania, so does Algeria so does Egypt So does Tunisia ...... so does Pakistan.....

Chelhman I beleive that before joining efforts with ur neighbor u gotta have things running smoothly at home. In other words I don't see any way for arab countries or nation states as u like to call them - I am not talking here about muslim countries- to be united in any sort of way.
17 August 2006 05:28
Jexingo, our visions are so far away from one another but I get the idea of what you are.
17 August 2006 09:22
Here's an expert opinion confirming this terrorist threat is a political ploy :

17 August 2006 15:21
Thanks Chelhman and thanks to the internet for identifying the bastards and their criminal manipulations.

A copy/paste

Propaganda versus democracy
From SourceWatch

Propaganda, of the kind that we think of during wartime, consists of attempts to manipulate or coerce the thinking of an enemy or captive population. Some early scholars referred to propaganda as a "hypodermic approach" to communication, in which the communicator's objective is to "inject" his ideas into the minds of a "target population." This is quite different from the democratic model, which views communications as a dialogue between presumed equals. The goal of the propaganda model is simply to achieve efficient indoctrination, and it therefore tends to regard the assumptions of the democratic model as inconvenient obstacles to efficient communication.

The following points illustrate the ways that the propaganda model differs fundamentally from the democratic model, both in its goals and in its very definition of the nature of communication, from the propaganda model:

* Propagandists define communications as a set of techniques of indoctrinating a "target audience," whereas the democratic model defines communications as an ongoing process of of dialogue between diverse voices.
* For propagandists, the desired outcome of communications is for the audience to bend its thinking and actions to the will of the communicator. By contrast, the desired outcome of communications under the democratic model is a synthesis and sharing of views. Each participant expects to learn and alter his/her views, to learn from the others.
* The propaganda model assumes that channels of communications must be tightly controlled. Often they insist on maintaining a single source of messages, in order to avoid contradictions and "confusion." By contrast, the democratic model assumes that channels of communications must not be tightly controlled. Instead of a single source of messages, democracy seeks to maintain diversity.
* Under the propaganda model, the communicator is presumed to be separate, apart and superior to the audience, a "perception manager" who directs the thoughts of others. By contrast, the democratic model sees no necessary distinction between "communicator" and "audience." Everyone is a communicator. Everyone is part of the audience.
* Propagandists may study the thinking of the audience through opinion polls and similar techniques, but the reason for studying their opinions is simply to facilitate delivery of the propaganda. The thinking of the audience is not regarded as a meaningful source of insights and ideas with merit of their own. By contrast, the democratic model assumes that everyone's ideas have potential merit as source of valuable insights.
* Propaganda subordinates morality, politics and democracy to technocratic concerns with "what works." By contrast, the democratic model subordinates technocratic concerns to morality. Under a democracy, it is assumed that the self-interest of individuals should give way to their common interest in "the greatest good for the greatest number."
* Secrecy and censorship are intrinsic parts of propaganda, whereas the democratic model value openness over secrecy.
* Perhaps most importantly, propaganda is communication that is indifferent to the rights and needs of the target population being indoctrinated. Democracy is government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." Propaganda, by contrast, seeks to dominate and control people.

See also
17 August 2006 16:38
Krim, these past few years, I see nothing but propaganda from every side. True reporters are a dying breed, people like Robert Fisk, Greg Palast, Amy Goodman, Seymour Hersh...etc. Corporate formatting of the news coupled with a dumming down of the general population with reality shows, has left us with a world much like the Truman Show, everything is fake, superficial, and the news is now a commodity, which means that if it doesn't sell, it's not news, if it's too complex, it's not news. Everything is black or white, us and them, nuance is treachery. Look at the debates on the current war, I've been called a zionist, because I had a more nuanced vision of the mess, you're either a cheerleader or a jew, take your pick.

Either the school systems aren't working anymore in shaping critical minds or Darwin got it wrong, evolution can sometimes make a halt because this generation is definitely not smarter than the previous.

Addendum. Krim, here's something that could translate "ila ktar lwil, ki da7ak" :


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2006 05:59 by chelhman.
17 August 2006 23:49
A bit late in the discussion, but well said Chelham about the need for some Muslim intrspection and a little less 'arab' superiority = inferiority complex... I'm fed up to the gills with people looking down on everyone else just because of being born Muslim, whilst trashing everyone else and everything else they can get their hands on, because they are not 'Muslim'. Lets practice our religion people, yes, Islam is a way of life, but a whole lot of it was compiled after the Prophets death and has been systematically hijacked ever since. Astafirghlah!
18 August 2006 00:48
kouider or kadder ???

here is a deal....go and see a psychiatrist ..will do u a great deal...and being sarcastic is no good...I`m still u speak arabic....or just berbere...or when u do read the u read it in berbere....being berber proud is one thing ...being bigheaded is a problem smiling smiley....I smell Hypocricy in u r lines my dear...God be with u Son


Unfortunaltely, I cannot give u the bestowed change as i should do, you should well understand WHY!!!!

-------------------------------------------Pas de Maroc ni d'Algerie sans Tamazight!-------------------------------------------
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