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Help regarding an immigration situation
8 March 2006 23:17
sallamo alaikom

I am trying to bring my mother to live with me in new zealand. I have a greencard now and have a question about the whole process. Can anybody who's been through the process summarize it for me.

I know I have to file my certificate of birth with her name on it, but I know in morocco, the way they represent the mother's name is like this: First name + daughter + full name of mother's father. Such as: Fatima bent Chakour Hassan.
Do you think this can be a problem? Another thing, my mother's name on her passport is like this: Her maiden name + first name + epouse + my father's last name. Chakour Fatima epouse Ihssane. My question is: what name should I use for the application. Fatima Chakour, or Fatime Ihssane. Thank you.
10 March 2006 14:38
as I know! women name in any paper in europe should contain, first name her name before mariage and hasband name.

so in your case is the one in her Passport.

if i was you I contact the the immigration office they may have an answer.
13 March 2006 00:47
Hi faridos,

I have seen many different birth certificates from other western nations. The informations on them are basically the same. The names of the person, the parents and the grand fathers, date of birth and place of birth. So there isn´t much confusing about the moroccan one other than the language.
It is very simple, on the application you write your mother´s name as on the passport, because officially that´s her name at the present time. Even if you represent a birth certificate with her birth name. That means her name as a virgin (before marriage). Those kind of situations are very normal in the west as many people change their names after the wedding for ex. So only the present official name appears on legal documents, passport, id, etc. The name on the birth certificate is the name you were baptized, or had at birth.

Provide a copy of a translation, that should explain.
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