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need help
18 November 2011 18:49
assalamu3laykum warahmatullah respected sisters in islam

i am riyadh from the united kingdom . inshAllah ta3la next year, i will marry jamila in morroco.
she is currently learning the english language and she says she finds it difficult . i am supporting her education in english language by sending her money every 2 weeks. i was just wondering if any sisters can link up with her and be around her so then she can pick up english vocab pretty fast.and you reward is with your Lord.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2011 06:57 by heman.
18 November 2011 18:53
if any sister is interested, i can pm you jamila's email address and then you can discuss with her how you would like to link up with her inshAllah

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2011 06:55 by heman.
24 November 2011 20:52
Hi smiling smiley

Congratulations for your wedding, all the best Inshallahsmiling smiley

If I were you, I would ask people I know In Morocco to help her to get fluent in the language...

Written English is good but speaking is better...

It's really important to feel comfortable and confident when practising Shakespeare's language!

Wishing her a successful experiencesmiling smiley


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/2011 08:53 by Sweetlatifa.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
26 November 2011 11:10
Hi sweetlatifa!
The brother is asking for sisters to help his future wife to learn English and not Shakespeare English.
I have done Shakespeare English many moons ago and believe me it is not normal English as we know it today.

Please do write to sister to encourage her to learn the language. I can imagine how hard she is trying so as to join her husband in UK.

The reason I decided to write to you sweetlatfa is that you are the only one I remember from the 'old' blggers as I have not blogged for a while.

It is a shame that everyone has abandoned Yabiladi since Facebook came into being.

Keep on blogging sweetlatifa as Yabiladi is Moroccan and for the Moroccans.
Take care and help heman so he can be joined by his wife.
May Allah Bless you,
22 December 2011 18:07
assalamu3laykum akhee

are you from casablanca?
22 December 2011 18:08
i came here because i don't know anyone from morroco except jamila and her father 3bdul hadee
28 December 2011 00:29
3alikoum salam,

I can help Jamila if you want, my english isn't perfect because my native language is french.

I live in Morocco since a few months, she can call me to practice or email me.

I'll be glad to help a sister, pm me her email address.
2 January 2012 13:18
Do you necessarily need a sister?
I'm a brother, i live in Casablanca, can i be useful ?Angel
3 January 2012 21:12
sister i sent you her email address
8 January 2012 16:51
Hi all,
First there are many kinds of "Englishes". We have: spoken English only - Business English - General English - English for specific purposes. you should decide first what sort of English you want.
Good luck, my dear.
10 January 2012 19:49
the girl has to learn enough english to get entry into the united kingdom. "enough english" means basic english.
10 January 2012 21:53
Hi heman.
Where did you meet this Jamila & are you moroccan yourself???
31 January 2012 19:58
i aint a morrocan you silly mother fuc ker. and all you muslimahs can go fuck yourselves. i don't need you mother fukin help.

"Where did you meet this Jamila & are you moroccan yourself???"

why do you think i am going to tell you where i met her? who the f uk are you? who ARE YOU? if you had asked me this to my face, i would have decorated your fuckin face and put you in casualty for life.
1 February 2012 09:43
Bloody Hell!!!

Poor Jamila, I feel so sorry for her, being with a guy such like you!!!
24 April 2014 03:12
i aint a morrocan you silly mother fuc ker. and all you muslimahs can go fuck yourselves. i don't need you mother fukin help.

"Where did you meet this Jamila & are you moroccan yourself???"

why do you think i am going to tell you where i met her? who the f uk are you? who ARE YOU? if you had asked me this to my face, i would have decorated your fuckin face and put you in casualty for life.

Still married? confused smiley
5 September 2017 19:11
Still married? Confused smiley

6 years and still going ALLAHU AKBAR!

and i apologise for my language.
27 September 2017 18:18
machallah congratulation brother !
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