L' homme epile' est un homme ....charmant ...More
[Morocco # English board] Re: Another one...
12 février 2014 à 23:09
Do they ...More
I know this has nothing to do with Morocco, but what do you think about Ryan Air charging to use the toilet on flights ? I knew we would come to ...More
:clap: Hahahahahahahah you crack me up !!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you study in England or in Kasbet Tadla? Hahahahahahahahahahah8o Prayer for you: Allah eefok awehaylek akhti = May Allah ease ...More
Is there anyone of you who is living in Canada? I want to know wich city are you living in (if you are in Canada) and how do you manage your life? Even for those who don't ...More
:no not really, I am italian-american with double citinzenship..Somehow I never call myself american, I am italian and that's ...More
I chose my first name as a Pseudo: so much easier...(tu) What about telling everybody the meaning of your Pseudo, why or how you came to choose your nickname ? Mine is simply ...More
British push into Morocco gains momentum. Very interesting , lets hope Morocco doesn't become overpopulated like other turistic areas,, but of course it wouldn't hurt ...More
THat is funny, without being too disrespectful....:) Mu slims too have a sense of ...More
Science VS Religion The optical illusion is not brilliant but rather sad in my opinion : after years of praying to God and miscellaneous Saints, I have obtained very little ...More
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10 oct. 1948
Registration date:
31 mai 2006 22:56
Last visit:
8 janv. 2019 02:03