lets try keep hoping u r ...More
time for a restart? waiting for ...More
[Morocco # English board] Re: 14ALL41!
18 décembre 2005 à 12:04
May Peace and prosperity reign on Earth! Many thanks for Your Genuine support! With my best wishes! (:)) ...More
Unfortunately it seems that: "Les Arabes ne s'aiment pas" non plus! - if they DID, they would NOT force themselves and each other to live in other countries as second hand citizens ...More
Time to act: to suggest joining our campaign: 14ALL41! to read more please visit the website: under aqt of courage please don t hesitate to comment/ give other ...More
good evening! it must be better to be diplomatic/ kind/ humble than the opposite I suppose! any way that s what I prefer! have a nice evening and may peace ...More
Good evening Gabri I agree on that, of course, everyone has the total freedom and the total right to express own views but that also means that we must keep respecting each others without pointing ...More
welcome to everyone! and hereby I may re-name the thread to International Human Community! So lets all work for a better future for all of us! a salute for peace, justice and respect as ...More
good to see that you are joining the "same repetitive postings, on the same stale subject, by the same boring people." (:)) ...More
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