You might face a cultural chock after two decades away. I really felt out of context when I landed in Casablanca on a sunny morning back in '98, that was after spending 6 years in Finland. As ...More
The gouv. that issued a peice of ID with WC as the home adress of one of its citizens is so brave. Hat down Mr Benmousa and co! and by the way the guy who typed in the address on the card is insane. ...More
If you are coming as a landed immigrant, you will find a lot of support from the gouvernment and the civil society. Immigrants in Montreal are everywhere. Actually you will be surprised that ...More
Being American you do not need a visa to go to Morocco. However, if you plan to stay over three months then you will have to ask for an extension at the nearest police station. At the airport, just ...More
Hey Shelby Two questions for you: 1) Do you know me? 2) How do you allow yourself invade my private life? I thought I have told you a while back to go and resume your studies. You idiot!! No ...More
Hi chelhman; Thanks for the Ibn rushd Link. Now a word of wisdom to the guys! I almost ran out of ink talking about the then and now, nature and nurture and staying away from blind ...More
Message to Yani & Chelhman Hey Guys, hope you're both doing fine! Reading your posts is a sign that hope is still out there. There is hope that we will one day bring this great religion of ...More
Good one a l7bih. In fact we are overworked in here. I haven't had any holiday since april 2006 and I have to wait until march 2008. which means 2 years with practicaly every morning going to ...More
As Yani has rightly pointed out, we were hoping that you will come out with some thorough, valid and sound arguments to support your nasty position vis-a-vis human liberty in choice. Unfortunatly, ...More
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7 mai 2007 06:10
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8 sept. 2010 18:25