hi ya
i want to do the same next summer i was asking the same question, someone told me that there is a ferry from london to spain and from spain another ferry to tangier and after that you make
wa dayrine men elhaba qoba,
if any one in any place in morocco who ever he might be raise the frlag of polisario and start messing about with private properties he will receive the same
U think so watch the news then people are protesting in US because the dollar is falling down and Euro is following, i have just seen it in Aljazeera English 15mn
hi sebou3,
i have lived the virtual experience, verything was as in real life and we are married now.
i was lucky and i find out that he was telling me the truth not 100% of it but what i
je viens just d avoir mon visa ne te casse pas la tete avec ca il faut preparer les docs necessaires exactement ce qu il demande pas la peine de fournir autre chose car ce sera une perte de
je pense qu il faut chercher a savoir ou elle a vu une telle chose pour la repeter a 5 ans ce n est pas normal forcment elle a vu qlqun le faire ou qlqun lui y a montrer comment le faire, il faut