Deux livres tres Interessant a ce sujet: 1- Abdellah laroui: "L'histoire du Maghreb" 2- Ibn Khaldoun: "Histoire des ...More
Ill go back to see how Adam and Eve used to ...More
Nille mercis pour les details fournis. ces informations sont tres interessantes, spe pour nos ressortissant en France. Personnelement, je me marie au maroc, tout a fait normal. just c'est que je ...More
Je suis en US, mais je me marie au ...More
[Relations sentimentales] Re: Virginité ?
21 juillet 2008 à 17:42
C'est la reponse que tu aura pour ta ...More
Yes, that's sad. On the other hand, this is to be considered normal because it was always like that (Evolution). The only thing is that Globalization is speeding up the process. Now the ...More
[Voyages & vacances] Re: GPS au Maroc
21 juillet 2008 à 15:52
Merci pour votre reponse. Groso modo, Le GPS ne sera disponible and fonctionel qu'aprtir de 2009. Nothing really new, we are always late couple of years. Thanks ...More
I do not think Obama's Change message can overcome the lobbies calendars. So he might be just another Bush with better speaking skills. All that said, America is still one of the best places ...More
Hey sweetlatifa, how about you? you didn't answer the questions ...More
1- IMAGINE YOU CAN TAKE ONLY 3 THINGS WITH YOU ON A DESERT ISLAND My laptop (can't make it without it). since i can't take people, ill request a skype connection with my ones. finally, a ...More
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18 juil. 2008 16:41
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