You may all want to see this article, and if you have little time ths is an interesting one, ...More
No Sarah, I respectfully disagree with you. I never saw in chelhman's interventions any of what you imply. I would agree if some accuse him of been open minded, I could even take little of "very" ...More
Wow wow wow, wait a minute here, I thing you misunderstood and mischaracterized what chelhman is saying. You’re reply is very insulting, but I’ll let chelhman reply to it since you quoted his ...More
I believe it was naïve for Hamas to think that it could survive the world pressure to recognize Israel upon its election. You simply can’t fight a force that feeds you and pay your salaries. But ...More
[] Re: Moroccan airline bans prayer time
11 novembre 2006 à 18:17
once again, the hijab was NOT the major problem in this case, the slackers who took many half hours every day to pray were, and they should not do that on the company's time. it seems fair to ...More
[] Re: Moroccan airline bans prayer time
10 novembre 2006 à 19:35
an article I read on the web. Almot Morocco defends airline over Islamist bans By Lamine Ghanmi Rabat - A senior government official denied on Thursday Islamist charges that Morocco's ...More
And I agree with you Krim, and that list could get even longer. but do you see what kind of chaos this will live that country ...More
[] Re: Moroccan airline bans prayer time
10 novembre 2006 à 04:46
You’re absolutely right Zaki7, Now RAM is a bad airline because it wants to get rid of slackers. I worked with people who took 3 times half hour to “pray”, there’s no way a company can stay ...More
Good to see you back Yani, jump in it's dripping but still ...More
[] Re: priciples' cricis
8 novembre 2006 à 20:58
I agree with you shushita the young generation looks like they are more aggressive, lazy and disrespectful. But on the other hand, isn’t that exactly how my generation was perceived by the older ...More
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