[] Re: Pack up your stuff and go !
8 novembre 2006 à 19:50
me too, chelhman, and now you can add this: Montana is in , that's another good news just now called for the democrats by 3000 ...More
[] Re: Pack up your stuff and go !
8 novembre 2006 à 19:45
i was just going to give you the news chelhman but you saw it. peace, may ...More
Just don't know what to tell you, Bro, it's just too goddam much, and it kills me to hear some who were lucky to escape poverty in their countries trying to convert their host countries, as if these ...More
I always thought it was God who created ...More
Sorry Krim, My friend, it seems to me you have sometime to bring all the proves you can get and all the scripts you ever read to make a point and prove your case, ochouf tchouf, sometimes even with ...More
[] Re: Women march and Tsahal response.
8 novembre 2006 à 08:52
Does anyone in the world really keep tally on how many Palestinians were killed by Israelis? Does anyone ...More
[] Re: Pack up your stuff and go !
8 novembre 2006 à 08:49
Hey chelhman, I stayed late just to follow the elections, and boy what a good night indeed for the Democrats, one of the big surprises is senator Santorum defeat but the real good one is the defeat ...More
Here's a good image of the way Women are treated in today Iran. I couldn't believe I was watching something from 21 century. Enjoy, ...More
[] Re: The veil and the British male elite
7 novembre 2006 à 20:20
And what Khadijaox81 said is exactly their way of working, violence and fear if you dare not to joint. “You’re with us or you’re against us” At one point this infamous phrase from W bush ...More
[] Re: The veil and the British male elite
6 novembre 2006 à 02:01
wow thanks chelhman for the article, and thanks Khadijaox81 for the examples you brought, but God help you defend them these days on our ...More
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