I’m very happy, indeed that you decided to stay with us, plus the fact that we could always use people with some good sense of humor, and you seem to have one. I like the translation for ala ...More
[] Re: Could next Stop be Morocco?
22 juin 2006 à 19:48
I'm really starting to think that Iraq has reached the point of total collapse. May be it already did long time ago, what is the solution? But just for a minute imagine the US folding and leaving ...More
[] Re: Morocco Hooks Up Mosques To TV
22 juin 2006 à 01:52
Chelhman, I’m resisting and I don’t want to laugh, but I can just imagine a worshiper concentrating and connecting with Allah when a TV falls from above. I hope that was not true….but yes if ...More
hello bochrargane I don't think you should live the forum. krim did not say anything wrong, this is an english forum and we all try to keep it as such. so please stay and share opinions with ...More
I have not seen chelhman reply when i wrote mine, i guess we basically see it the same way...escalate, sue ...More
Sorry my friend for what happen to you! I’m surprised because in my book, if you are still paying the rent for this place, that means you have a spot in this parking. And no, if you know the car ...More
I don't think the forum needs any division...i'm sure ...More
[] Re: Could next Stop be Morocco?
17 juin 2006 à 05:20
Sorry chelhman, I was told not to smoke any kif after midnight, i have to start listning to the ...More
[] Re: Something new
16 juin 2006 à 23:45
thanks for the ...More
thanks ramis16 for the article, very interesting.. I think Dukkalis should start listening to some Rifi music and the Rifis should do the same, and may be both spend sometimes playing Ronda ...More
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12 juin 2006 07:31