[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
29 octobre 2006 à 14:29
but zaki7, you see how far this can go? we forbid Hijab because terrorists hide weapons on woman or disguise as women. we forbid modern clothes because prostitutes wear the same. we forbid the ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
29 octobre 2006 à 03:08
zaki7, stereotypes... i'm not a dumb geek... even if i say many of these i have to admit. we have a passion for technology. and i started with video games. we have our tastes, strategy games and ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
29 octobre 2006 à 01:05
chelhman yeah i get what you want to say. but come on, show some optimism. and by the way, what i meant by "faith" isnt your faith in god... but faith in me, in the arabs, in the arab world, in ...More
but why the FINUL doesnt blow these planes to pieces? they should have forgot their AA weapons, they wont use them if it's not against Israeli targets... this is so sad. these guys violate the ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
29 octobre 2006 à 00:19
chelhman what is this looser mentality? "where is your Umma?" ... there is an Umma in the minds of so many people. isnt it enough to make it a reality? someone here spoke about Mecca. isnt it an ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
28 octobre 2006 à 23:43
chelhman my parents are from the are of Erachidia. but i was born in the area of Rabat and never had the chance to learn Berbere. my classical arabic is near average (national arab education in ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
28 octobre 2006 à 16:17
but when did i said that the Muslims are the best? if you knew more about religion you would know that religion is indeed used to judge a man. but it's in a list of other human qualities (work, ...More
Nawal? what if they were close, known by the family (both sides)? it's fine i tell you. they are just making kisses :A: nothing bad would happen to anyone because of an innocent kiss... ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
28 octobre 2006 à 13:43
zaki7 okay! Reaaaally, So you know all of that? Now replace the world Black by Muslim and the word White by non muslim. so? ... i dont see myself say "i'm proud to be muslim"... even ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
27 octobre 2006 à 22:39
zaki7, i'm opposed to these "i'm proud of"... in general i accept it as "i'm not ashamed of my origin"... but it doesnt mean a lot to me. it's not very constructive. everybody can be prood of ...More
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