chelhman, i dont even watch TV. so i understand how you see it, but it's not the case...
so what? isnt it logic? i personnaly think it's great, and i'm very sad to see you calling it
chleman i dont see the contradiction... you are the nationalist who says "we are all morrocans" and "the baby will be a morrocan"... i'm the one who refuse to think that way.
for me, we are all
chelhman what is the meaning of Morrocan?
it doesnt have a lot of meaning, are we going to turn into nationalists?
i wish we could forget these frontiers and speak as human beings...
i think
chelhman, i would listen to anyone having more knowledge than me about religion...
and i wouldnt be shy, i will be without mercy, i will ask any question i have in my mind and i wont do anything
Salafist? i dont know the meaning of this word...
i know one word and it's muslim.
and the "muslim" word have a meaning... and it's supposed to be a perso who doesnt kill women and children in
chelhman, i'm sorry dude, but i still dont see where you are going...
about the Hijab... it's very easy to me. women have to dress in a respectable and modest way.
it's the requirement. these
i'm taking a look at what you posted right now, but what is the point of having scriptures if it's not to take it litteraly?
and dont you see the danger of this?
Ben Laden is a good muslim
chelhman, you dont get it... i have nothing against jews... the problem isnt jew+morrocan... but the muslim+jew...
do i have to remind you that under the laws of Islam, the women arent allowed to
dear Almot, you are negative. or too sensitive... you went too far. there is no irony in what i said.
i told him, pop a bottle of wine if you want... drink alcohol, call yourself muslim... but I
Le Mask,
Islam in not a military organisation or a cult where you have to follow a manual or you're punished or excommunicated.
But reading you, I don't see any room for debate, we are light