non qayss, ya des gars a nous qui pourrissent dans des trous chez l'ennemi... faut aller les chercher... moi je dis qu'il faut aller les chercher en urgence. et si ils avaient rien a faire ...More
[] Re: Imaginons un Maroc Moderne?
24 novembre 2006 à 13:14
dans tes reves, si tu regarde bien... les trucs que j'ai écris avant, sont dans la religion :) et on peut dire que ce sont des valeurs universelles, car je suis sur qu'il y'a plein de ...More
on envoie les forces spéciales wé... qu'on massacre ces minables... je préfére récupérer leurs cadavres que de les laisser pourrir labas 10ans... moi je dis GO GO GO ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
24 novembre 2006 à 13:12
Krim i still dont understand :( you say that they are AGAINST the moudawana even if it gives them more rights? it's stupid... they are so dumb? even a woman who cant write her name knows ...More
[] Re: Imaginons un Maroc Moderne?
24 novembre 2006 à 13:05
le citoyen tu parles du "broken arrow"? ben, c pas pareil... en général, c'est les troupes au sol qui demande ce genre de choses... c'est comme envoyé une pizza a klkn qui l'a pas demandé... ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
24 novembre 2006 à 11:56
Krim it's curious indeed, can you explain why so many women are opposed to the moudawana? and by the way guys, Islam says that we arent equals. some are more educated, more capable and bla bla ...More
zaki7 you are so hasty. i'm opposed to kamikaze attacks, i dont see them as a good tool to win a war... it's perfect tool to make casulties, but we dont win a war that way. and the muslim way in ...More
zaki7 you speak like a minsinformed dude... and yes, terrorists are human beings, and some terrorists care for human life... in their "own way"... in Iraq (following an article) said that there ...More
Almot yeah yeah, i know the story, every dude thinks he is superior, and every culture thinks it's superior and yadda yadda... i know. 1st : it will be the same for the western world... and ...More
chelhman, looks like you dont really understand what i mean. why should Morroco (the country) be ruled by muslims? or non-muslims? or jews? why cant Morroco be a country where there is many ...More
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