ben moi je trouve cela abbérant. les sahara appartient aux sahrawis. la preuve, ils y vivent. c'est leur terres. donc, mtn, dire que le sahara appartient au Maroc = les sahrawis appartiennent ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
25 novembre 2006 à 18:47
same for me, but what to you mean by "dignity"? where is the limit? so i dont know. it's weird... and Krim , what do you mean by "wake up"? get rich? get smart? unite with other arab ...More
Depuis sa reconnaissance à L'onu la chine ne s'est jammais fait grignoter de terrain , l'algérie nous grignote sans cesse du terrain, le polisario occupe 1/3 de notre shara. l'état n'est ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
25 novembre 2006 à 18:35
AyL what is the definition of "protect her dignity"? it's a very complex concept, and it's different in our countries. respect our dignity in Morroco = have sex only with your husband/wife in ...More
zaki7 you make me say what i never said. one dead person is a disaster. the death of 150 is a disaster aswell. but it's not relevant when you study terrorism. are you playing dumb with me to ...More
[] Re: Etre Homosexuel au Maroc OUBIKHIR
25 novembre 2006 à 13:47
Dieu existe au moins en tant que concept, je veux bien l'admettre. D'un point de vue philosophique, c'est assez intéressant. Mais tant que son existence matérielle n'a pas été prouvée, il ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
25 novembre 2006 à 13:27
AyL some people believe in soul mates... it's romantic, not very scientific, but it's positive. i personnaly dont believe in soul mates... but i believe that honest people can live together ...More
AyL i dont agree with that. i dont need to kill to live... i'm not an animal. i wont let such principles enter my head. my fellow muslims are my brothers, i'm here to help them. not to conquer ...More
zaki7 dont worry! you trashed nothing. where do you judge development? because they arent so developped. they have a strong economy, a well equiped and stronger army... but it doesnt make them ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
25 novembre 2006 à 00:30
sarah70, i saw many girls in this conditions... it's called love, they love a guy and would do anything for him. sometimes they know exactly what they are doing and keep doing it. i believe ...More
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