chelhman oh? you think about that?
then it's not a problem, on the economic side, women have the advantage, if they cry about 50% of the heritage, then they are stupid...
i dont mind equality on
LeMask, si toi tu te fiches du droit international, notre pays pas. Nous sommes signataires de tas d'accords bilatéraux et multilatéraux qui régissent les échanges entre nations.
chelhman ummmm, i dont need a lot of reflexion time indeed. why? i dont understand.
let me give you an exemple, in Islam, the husband have to spend for his wife and the kids... everything is on
Krim dont worry about the frenchs, they are very weel, they took what they want in these countries and were forced out for obvious reasons.
if they were so nice they would be still here, and by the
owww :'(
i tried...
and i'm honestly sad to hear a muslim say that the way god gave us "couldnt work"...
and i dont want it to be compatible with the "modern society"... i really dont, the
AyL the NEW moudawana isnt so great :(
and there is funny people in Morroco who want to put somekind of equality between men and women...
it's funny in a muslim country... equality between men
chelhman on est pas des dieux, on a pas le droit de décider de qui doit vivre et qui doit mourir...
notre société a inventé ces gars la, donc on doit leur trouver leur places...
je ne sais
Krim, i know about that.
i'm not an expert of the Coran or of Islam, but i know that it's not a close minded religion/culture/way of life...
but are we really supposed to learn from the
zaki7 dont get blinded by numbers...
it's a "movement", a change in the good direction... if they start just asking questions, then it's already a good start.
and these 140 deaths arent what
:( c'est triste...
il faut chopper ces gars qui les recrutent... et on doit surtout donner plus d'éducation, une éducation religieuse pour commencer. leur expliquer les conséquences de ces