Hamza bien parlé :)
mais, je voudrais aussi rappeler une chose...
il existe un complexe d'infériorité dans nos pays. un complexe du colonisé.
un gars maitrisant le francais est jugé
zaki7 no zaki...
it's my own interpretation of "Inama al a3male bi niyate"... the intent is VERY important.
and crazy people dont get punished. because they lose touch with reality and dont
zaki7 i dont see god punishing for actions...
i rather see him punishing people about the essence...
good intent = good person
bad intent = bad person
good people to heaven, hell to egoist
bonjour le mask
tu ne serait pas un peu communiste?
wé un peu, je pense que c'est un systeme supérieur au capitalisme...
mais le communisme est imparfait, il ne prend pas en
zaki7 what is wrong with you? when did i say that god will reward people for killing innocents?
i said that i dont see god punishing a crazy man who is irresponsible of his actions.
and i dont
zaki7 i'm not god... i dont know everything.
i would look stupid saying that they would go straight to hell...
god's judgement isnt in my range. and if you have a better exemple go ahead.
xylophene it's interesting.
i always said that Israel triggered terror to use it as an excuse to use full force against the palestinians.
but it's very hard to proove
zaki7 honestly i dont know... only god can tell for sure.
but i think that the kamikazes are victims aswell. they really believe that it's the only way. so they are victims of someone
zaki7 c'est ridicule, je ne supporte pas ces derniers.
et je suis pour l'intégration des extremistes dans la société pour les empecher de tomber dans le terrorisme.
et je suis pour le