wa ssir allah ihdik a dak pinduani.
first of all, the father of the guy that caused the accident is not a colonel. the father is a lawyer.
the police didn't try to cover it up. and this event
regarding the second question. maybe because you gotta turn the wheel (guidoun) to the way your are turning the car and you use your body ...
man it's too complicated, i would rather say i dont
This website idea really got me confused. I don't know what to think of it? good or bad??
Anyway, I think that most people who don't have time to buy a sheep the traditional way (souk) won't even
I will try to help on the first question.
The sister or her brother should make it clear to the potential husband that the wife-to-be "sister" will not tolerate this behavior polygamy.
I think
I wish I was gonna get married soon. I would have read all of this.
I skimmed through the site and it is very interesting. I bookmarked it hoping for better
j'aurai aime pouvoir m'exprimer bien en francais mais alah ijib.
pkoi devrions nous dependre des autres pour k'ils nous mentionnent?
C nous ki devrons desenclaver notre region?
nous avons
le roi s'etait debarasse de ce protocole au debut de son regne. mais apres les atentats, raison de securite oblige.
vaut mieux ke certains milliers de gens attendent kelke heures le passage du roi