salam alaykum Almot quote=Wow wow wow, wait a minute here, I thing you misunderstood and mischaracterized what chelhman is saying. You’re reply is very insulting, but I’ll let chelhman ...More
[] Re: learn engish
11 novembre 2006 à 23:55
salam alaykum asma06 Based in my experience when I came where I live now 4 years ago I did not speak English (beside what I had learned in high school in Morocco) I started watching TV, ...More
salam alaykum zaki7 Whoever thinks to map out Israel in the upcoming 50 or even 100 years he is just hallucinating (after that I don t have any idea on how the world balance will changed, I ...More
[] Re: canada or france
11 novembre 2006 à 17:50
Salam alaykum wa rahmatou Allahi wa barakatuhu Northof60 Totally right Quebec is not a place to live in and have dignified professional career, I prefer Ontario you can find job , it is ...More
Salam alaykum wa rahmatou Allahi wa barakatouhu I strongly don t believe that there is a neutral viewpoint, politic, debate now a day (please don t tell me there are people who see thing ...More
salam alaykum zaki7 r u talking seriously how HAMAS can finish its mandate and the whole world are boycotting them, making all kind of pressure, punishing the whole population for their ...More
salam alaykum zaki7 il faut parler des pourcentage et pas des chiffres et ...More
[] Re: Pack up your stuff and go !
10 novembre 2006 à 18:46
salam alaykum It is not surprising the upcoming days will be tough ones for Bush to valid his whims thru the democratics .Bolton was the wrong person to represent US (may be for Bush ideas ) ...More
[] Re: Moroccan airline bans prayer time
10 novembre 2006 à 18:13
salam alaykum Wasting the company time, milking the system can happened thru many twisted ways ,if those RAM employees were abusing the prayer time is not the fault of the prayer the problem ...More
[] Re: priere de consultation
9 novembre 2006 à 21:05
salam alaykum le douaa doit etre apres salat al Istikhara (juste 2 ...More
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