salam alaykum chelhman j ai juste commente ta remarque à moins que tu la ( ton remarque)considères hors sujet .(tP)je veux pas gâcher ton vendredi (Soir bien sur :)) vas te relaxer et ...More
salam alaykum chelhman je suis consciente comment le citoyen ...More
salam alaykum chelhman il n a rien dit de mal contre les juives, il a juste reporte un fait ...More
salam alaykum if there is any doubt about his/her intention better don t get involved in the relationship ,marriage has to be built from the begining on trustworthiness ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
25 novembre 2006 à 13:35
salam alaykum a soul mate .. dont make me laugh .. ure like saying that every married person is living with his soul mate ..whatromantic.. specially that u know how ppl get married in ...More
[] Re: Hamas used to be the subject
25 novembre 2006 à 13:24
salam alaykum sarah70, Let's have a different approach, since I'm tired of repeating the same thing : how would you, through islamic values, advance our country ? Give me ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
25 novembre 2006 à 12:53
salam alaykum normal .. that she feel exhausted .. and every other mother will say the same .. single or a married ... not same since for the couple both man/woman takes ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
25 novembre 2006 à 02:40
salam alaykum Ayl i have no attention to give any idea or even opinion that is a fact ,i feel sad about them, they devote ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
25 novembre 2006 à 02:32
salam alaykum Almot it is part of the subject ...More
[] Re: Will Muslims Ever wake up?
25 novembre 2006 à 00:23
Salam alaykum Sorry it was busy day at my work; I was unable answer or participate on this subject. Actually I appreciate some stuff coming in moudawana but I can not make my opinion since I ...More
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