salam alaykum chelhman quote=sarah70, Islam is not going to be a problem but it's not going to be the solution either, my example of Iran is case and point. With all the rigidity of the system, ...More
salam alaykum chelhman sarah70, thank you so much for the hadith. Now that you've had your fun with me, could you tell me why in Iran for instance where Islamic laws are ...More
salam alaykum chelhman quote=The problem is educational. When the idea that every bribe, however tiny it may be, is actually eating at the fabric of society morally speaking and that it is ...More
salam alaykum ilham if they CHOOSE to wear hijab why it will bother anyone since we all beleive in freedom it will ...More
salam alaykum quote=For the "government stuff", what you're suggesting is a legislation "à la carte". Ok, here's what I want then : I want to have my four wives (shari3a law) but I want to have ...More
salam alaykum Doesn't transpire from your writings, Quran this, Sunna that, Prophet this...etc, I thought you grew up in a zaouia chelhman, I was ...More
salam alaykum ilham excuse me ,what the development has to with whole moroccan women wearing hijab , ...More
salam alaykum chelhman take it just simple as it is ,i choose to wear hijab ,what hijab is about it is suit either skirt or pant with a long little wide jacket you can see that everyday at ...More
salam alaykum chelhman i wish if i did spend some ...More
salam alaykum chelhman it happened accidentally that ...More
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