[] Re: Lost
25 juin 2007 à 17:32
Non rassures toi ton medecin est vivant et en bonne sante :D c'est..... Salam,:) C'est le blond qui n'en fait qu'à sa tête, j'ai oublié son ...More
[] Re: Lost
25 juin 2007 à 17:23
Non rassures toi ton medecin est vivant et en bonne sante ...More
[] Re: Lost
25 juin 2007 à 17:15
Elle vient de finir chez moi et je te l'accorde, c'est la meilleure des 3! le dernier episode est une vraie bombe par contre, je ne m'attendais pas, mais alors pas du ...More
[] Re: Lost
25 juin 2007 à 17:03
Elle vient de finir chez moi et je te l'accorde, c'est la meilleure des 3! le dernier episode est une vraie bombe par contre, je ne m'attendais pas, mais alors pas du tout a une tell fin!! bon je ne ...More
[] Re: The reading corner
25 juin 2007 à 10:48
I'm feeling rather gloomy and miserable these days so I went to the library and got a pile of humourous and light hearted books on the hope that they would cheer me up and it's working so far. I ...More
LeMask are you saying that the honnor of the prophet (saws), all muslims and the holy coran depends on what Mr Salman Rushdie writes. Why not prove him wrong by debating him instead. You ...More
FYI: The satanic verses were not written today but in 1988 and it's not the only book of Rushdie. It's just one topic among others. Unfortunately, Muslims made it the most popular piece of work when ...More
LeMask, I think Passerby is right here. The best attitude is to ignore Rushdie and those who wanted to glorify him. If we didn't give him enough importance, he would never have gained this ...More
I don't know what to say. What about all those initiatives taken by the government to eradicate favellas in Morocco. We've seen loads of families being moved from poor, filthy areas to new ...More
Good news folks, we've got another family in Fas and they're toilets dwellers (someplace in Abi ALhassan) ! they've got it on their ID cards !! things started to heat up dudes ! who's ...More
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