[] Re: Vos séries préférées ?
13 juillet 2007 à 22:27
LOST, le jour ou cette serie finit je me suicide... Desperate Housewives Prison Break Ugly Betty Dirt, ca cartonne en ce moment au US et elle vient de commencer chez moi, je suis deja ...More
[] Re: vedio a regardu absolument
13 juillet 2007 à 18:01
Bravo pour l'analyse ibn hazm, qui de plus ne manque pas d'humour :clap: C'est vrai qu'il faut une prise de conscience pour combattre la corruption dans notre pays, c'est un fleau malheureusement, ...More
[] Re: Vélib ' ...
13 juillet 2007 à 17:47
c'est vrai qu'il n'y a mieux qu'une randonnee en velo! A Londres beaucoup de gens le font, avec mes collegues on s'est fixe comme plan de venir a velo tous les vendredis, donc aujourd'hui nous sommes ...More
I think it's great for women to live alone, feel free to live your phone numbers girls:) lol chelhman, you're so wicked!! I'm afraid that doesn't apply to me anymore...I ...More
Sorry Ilhem...:S Kutchia, i think we should open a separate topic for French and Moroccans. I'll let you do that as it was your idea ...More
[] Re: Funny Old World
13 juillet 2007 à 16:57
Note that i said i'm naive to take advantage or CRAFTY opportunities only, not any opportunity ;) I guess some of us are born to be role models to societies and examplary citizens and i'm afraid ...More
Macho is the least we can say about him... but what it is exactly that you don't like about French culture. Or rather, is there anything, or 1 thing even :D that you like about ...More
[] Re: The reading corner
13 juillet 2007 à 16:52
right, i finished the Adrial Mole sequel..laughed my heart out while reading it, it was so enjoyable.. I am now reading "A history of the arab people" by Albert Hourani. Only started it last night ...More
Yeah same wish here! you really don't like French Kutchia ...More
[] Re: Funny Old World
13 juillet 2007 à 16:39
not on purpose no, even if a friend had called me i would have thought it's a scam or some dodgy game. In fact, i'm so naive that i can't take advantage of any crafty opportunity which comes my way ...More
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