I really want to help you, please tell me in what county or at least city or state u live in, I can give u contacts or even make the contacts for u,
Don't worry, everything will be
Miss whatever they call u, I speak English because I WANT TO :D is this enough as an argument?
she posted here, so I answered here, and will continue to do so, if the language is so difficult for
Nouhaila, listen to me, I think that this is a serious issue, u can't continue living this way,
now, tell me, what do u want to do? do u love him? do u want this marriage to last? because things
Je comprends, mais explique moi, comment cela fait-il que tu n'as pas encore your green card? parce que normalement à ta première entrée aux états unis, tu devais avoir ta green card?
Thanks for this video of the prince, it is interesting,
while reading your analysis Chelhman, I totally agree with you when u say than the reform should be first in the education system,
mais il n'y a pas de fonds, pkoi cherches-t-on toujours des interpretations alors que les choses sont clair, safi quand c fini c fini, en plus s'il voulait reprendre ou qq chose il aurait essayer de
"estime toi heureuse de m'avoir" quel orgueilleux, ma chére Nouhaila, u r in America, u should take advantage of it, get yourself a lawyer and ask for a solution if u r not happy,
u already tried