You have to a teaching course in one of the London colleges to get a placement in London. The rest will come by itself.the course is six month, one year or a three years degree depending on you ...More
[] Re: Moroccan day at work
23 juin 2008 à 13:15
Perhaps Yabi team and memebers should organize a Moroccan day in London or Cambridge then we all have plates in our hands:chef::welcome::clap: Any thoughts ...More
[] Re: The new rock n roll in America
23 juin 2008 à 13:06
Thank you mate very nice song in ...More
[] Re: Work in London
23 juin 2008 à 10:33
Hi First of all, what kind of work do you wish to do? I used to live in London London is great city the best of the best, multi racial city , one earns more compared to outside, all kind of jobs ...More
[] Re: The new rock n roll in America
20 juin 2008 à 19:11
Hicham that is superb mate thank you. is this lady fatima ti2hihine? the song I think is about love... ...More
[] Re: The new rock n roll in America
19 juin 2008 à 15:55
Salam sir, Thank you Hicham for the info, no I didn't know anything about him part from he is great singer and hajhouje player. Do you like Jazz too? Miles Davis is and Ella are my ...More
[] Re: The new rock n roll in America
18 juin 2008 à 23:43
I love this ...More
[] Re: Moroccan day at work
18 juin 2008 à 15:16
Try you tube search on Moroccan music have you seen my privious ...More
[] Re: The new rock n roll in America
18 juin 2008 à 15:05
Any comments on this type of music ...More
Atlas did you get an appartment or ...More
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25 août 1984
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