vvvTTTvvv00 Hi, you seem to have only one subject in mind and I think you didn't get the message so far; hence I am advising you to re read “Charte à respecter “posted by webmaster it’s the ...More
[] Re: Im new
23 avril 2008 à 10:42
Are you a qualified pimp or just an amateur? \\\\//// Adidas Best PS: Atlas good to see you are back. Who did you fly with was ...More
Moroccan identity is your privilege and your dignity; if you are not proud of it you do not deserve it. We are the ones who should be ashamed to hear our people have no self-esteem. You work on being ...More
those you are calling kouffar are 2ahlo al kitab they had theirs before ours mate. Please show some repect to my wife. \\\\//// ...More
You weren’t at the beach warring jalaba and head down? But you went there “tas7hi a3winatak” to irrigate your dried eyes. Did you follow the code: first sight is free and the second is a sin ...More
[] Re: Tattoos....Halal or Haram?
21 avril 2008 à 14:33
Sometimes one has to think alone instead of making it known that one knows better 8o \\\\//// Adidas Best ...More
[] Re: Business opportunities
21 avril 2008 à 11:38
Minnie, I would be very careful to start anything now while the UK market is not that stable. Anything to do with food is good and bad at the same time. There are lots of regulations you have to ...More
have you tried Canada, Australia or Arab countries are looking for good ...More
[] Re: The Good, the bad and the ugly
21 avril 2008 à 11:20
I am not setting a blind date here but if fat people are your cup of tea I just like a glass of water for some reasons. Good luck to you with what ever you do \\\/// Adidas Best body ...More
[] Re: need some advice
21 avril 2008 à 11:10
Hey Tamazirt, out of respect you could ve opened a new post for your problem that is kind of very rude doing :no \\\/// Adidas Best respect for ...More
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25 août 1984
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